“I know as a group have never been to a clothing optional place,” I said. “I understand you’re inquisitive about it, so I want to give you a lesson in social nudity. Let me describe to you what social nudity is really all about.
As I stood there all eyes were now on me and I mentioned, “First of all it is a non sexual experience, and the very first thing you need to be aware of is that people may looks at first. It’s human nature.”
I turned around to be sure that everybody could see, and I mentioned, “Now that you’ve all “checked me out”, I request you to do this to make a point. It shows you that I know you’re looking and that I’m http://freenudistvideo.info or embarrassed and it tells you that you are natural tendency to look at it’s not erroneous, not ugly and it’s not unacceptable to me.”
I then entered the water, and introduced myself to each of the people. The tension eased, and everyone relaxed and we talked for many hours about all topics from social nudity to physics to great pictures, professions, school and families. They were a terrific group of young folks: university students, a disabled veteran, a Registered Nurse, a multimedia producer, a US National Park Ranger, and I really don’t recall what the other woman’s occupation was. All were relaxed, no one else got nude, but the social interaction was amazing.
By 6pm we’d all been in the pool for at least 4 hours and they needed to leave to get back to their camp in the City of Rocks State Park, 4 miles away. As everyone got ready to leave and collect their things I asked this question, “OK, now everyone, how a number of you even remember that I am nude?”
I could see the light go on in their eyes as they realized just what it was all about. I understand some of them are going to be back to Faywood Hot Springs and I understand they will not be wearing clothing this time.
-John Collins
El Paso, Texas
First time encounter 🙂
So I’m a 17 year male from Australia, I’ve consistently enjoyed being bare by myself and had dream of going to the neighborhood nude beach with some mates, male and female. 

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Visit our siteToday I eventually got the opportunity; we walked down to the shore and continued on to the nudist half of the shore, we subsequently stripped off and went for a swim. It felt so natural to be nude socially.
After our swim we lay on the shore and dried off then went for a walk and enjoyed the view; we have now decided as a mixed group of friends it is going to become a standard practice for our buddies. Definitely going to occur more in the long run.
-Dan W
First Timers
My wife Rose and I are newly weds in our mid 50s. Throughout our lives we skinny dipped as children and teenagers, but never had the ability to do this as adults in our previous marriages. Last summer, just before we got married, we started loving going in the pool nude. We sat on the veranda to dry off after getting out letting our skin bask in the sunlight. What a wonderful feeling.
Not long after this, we began doing lawn work, nude, in the back yard where the block fence gave us some privacy. We’ve got a neighbor lady who likes to poke her head over the fence to say hello when she hears us in the back yard (I think that may cease after the very first time she sees us nude). Now we spend lots of time naked in the back yard and we should since we’ve done so much work back there.
A few months ago we were seeing a program on TV about the RV lifestyle. It caught our attention because we travel around in a 25 foot travel trailer. One of the things in the application was Clothes-Optional campgrounds. We though it was tidy and that was the last we thought about it. That’s until a few weeks ago when my wife brought it up indicating it’d be fun to find a Clothing-Optional campground and go see what it is all about.
During the the next couple of weeks I spent plenty of time hunting the web for Clothing-Optional campgrounds. There are not many in Arizona, in fact there are few nudist organizations in Arizona, span. I located one near Phoenix, Shangri la Ranch, which advertises as a family oriented nudist camp. I did even more research on Shangri la Ranch and found it is a great facility and comes recommended by posters on various bare recreation newsgroups. I named the office at Shangri la Ranch and clarified my wife and I would really like to visit for a weekend and it would be our very first time at a nudist resort. They were more than pleased to accommodate us, even putting us in an RV space right across from the club house, pools, cafe, and hot tub.
After setting up camp and having lunch, we shed our clothes and headed for the pool. It felt so natural and free, we immediately felt at home. We went to the dance in the club house that evening and had a ball dancing nude for 3 1/2 hours. We did not care we were naked and no one else cared we were naked either. We met several really nice couples who were excited to meet us and observed our first time with us.
Rose and I can barely wait to return.
I learned of another nudist resort that’s highly recommended not too far from us that we will be heading to perhaps in November. Terra Cotta Inn in Palm Springs. Tom and Mary Clare look exceptional hosts and the inn is simply what we would like.
I hope Rose and I become regulars at Shangri la Ranch and Terra Cotta Inn. We’re keeping our eyes and ears sharp for additional places to see.
We’re going to love nudism, Clothes-Optional and no clothing resorts and actions.
See you about. We just joined AANR yesterday!
-Mark & Rose
Wow. I did it.
I’d learned of a naked occasion at a closeby gymnasium. It was sponsored by a local nudist club which rented the facility for an evening monthly or so. I had become determined to proceed to the event having consistently been intrigued by nudism but never attempting it. I was as nervous as I could get worrying about how I Had “react” but I was perpetrated. I drove around to the health club that Saturday evening and sat in the car just eyeing the place for a good 10 minutes. I wasn’t about to chicken out. I went in, paid my admission fee and headed for the locker room. I quickly figured out that everything was co-ed. There was a couple in the men’s locker room and they were nude. Oh my. How would this go? LOL. I just stripped as quickly as I could. Out the door I went with not a matter on. Wow. Was this great or what? I took a quick dip in the pool and then went to the sauna and hot tub. I was feeling quite comfortable nude. This was fantastic. I was hooked on nudism. Everyone was so friendly and open. I got involved in the volleyball game. Here I was playing co-ed nude volleyball. I was absolutely hooked. This was excellent. I stayed until the event was over loving the entire encounter. 15 years later I’m still at it. A nudist for life.
-George E
18 Years ago I went to a nude beach for the first time and now I cannot appear to go eslewhere
I once heard about a nude beach near where I lived on the news as it made some contraversy. I was already sleeping in the nude for some time, never thought I’d try it outside, but then one day I visited the seashore out of curiosity. I did not go there to go naked, but after talking to one regular there I found myself taking my suit off and going skinny-dipping!
Wow! What a sense it was swimming in the ocean without a swimsuit! I started coming back up until the beach I went to got raided. I was fortunate I didn’t get found, but afterwards the seashore lost its spunk, and single men began to be the norm offsetting the balance of men and women.
I have to say that did not prevent me from becoming a naturist as I joined a landed club nearby and met plenty of buddies while at it and the most crucial thing is that it was not sexual being around the same images that Playboy and porn make degrading just in real life.
I even learned after how fantastic it is to be in a motel room while on vacation with no clothes on and even not shut the bathroom door. I do however, live with my mom who doesn’t know about it, but I still sleep nude at night though! Wow is nudism porn can say as no right words can characterize the liberty you have without clothing! I have been solicited and there is no going back for me!