Though I Have considered myself a nudist, or naturist, for about 9 years now (I’m 41) I

actually started down the path to truly being a nudist right before I entered my early adolescents. How I learned of nudism I don’t recall. Since I was raised in an extremely old-fashioned family I do recall that my parents view of it was not positive. So I’m pretty sure doing something that my parents would be against was part of my motivation for me at the time.
During the summer of 1975 my mom got a job. Up until then she was at home mother while my dad went to work regular. With my mom working now too it meant that suddenly I had the summer house to myself during the weekday.
I started by being bare within the home while they were gone to work. Usually I’d only do things anyone might do but I would do it bare. One time I saw some sunlight coming in through the front door and decided I wanted to get outside bare.
At this point I should describe my area. It was an old blue-collar neighborhood in a major Texas city. My backyard was a little larger than half an acre. When they assembled the area they did not comprise an street. At the far back there were two quite old wooden tool sheds (which play a part in the story later), some trees, as well as a close jungle of bamboo that blocked views to the dwellings in the rear. On each side of the back yard were other houses with only a wire fence dividing the lawns. This meant our property was open to seeing by neighbors on both sides. They had fences, trees, and structures that meant none of the neighbors beyond them could be viewed. The front yard was average sized with a driveway and no fencing or seclusion for most of it. We lived on a curve at an intersection with a different area street.
My first experiences going outside nude were in my backyard when my parents were gone. I’d look to see whether the neighbors cars on both sides were gone (being that everyone worked I presumed that meant no one was home) and then strip and go out the back door. I found it exhilarating every time I did this. So I decided to find more ways to be nude outside more often. Which meant I needed to find a way to be naked when my parents were home.
I chose to convert one of the ancient tool sheds into my own private naturist resort. What I told my parents was that it’d be my club house. Of course since I didn’t have a club I think that did not matter. It would have just appeared to them like another one of those crazy ideas I had all the time. One of the tool sheds, which I imagine had truly been a fairly good sized workshop long time ago, was in fairly good shape structurally but it was a disaster inside. Decades of dirt and junk had piled up. So I grabbed a broom and paper towels and started cleaning. Once it was public nudism (to make use of the word loosely) it was time to make it private. So got some trash bags, which were solid black, and cut the seams and used them to cover a large open part that faced a neighbor’s house. Since the tool shed was in the far back buried in the bamboo I was secluded from our home and everyone else’s now. Plus, the other shed, which was bigger, gave added protection from the perspective of the neighbors. I actually don’t know how many hours that summer I spent out there listening to the radio or reading while naked.
But none of this was enough for me. So I decided to push the envelope some more.
In the summer of 1976 I started climbing out my bedroom window nude at night while my parents were asleep. My bedroom window was on the side of the home with a brick wall separating it from the neighbors. So being there meant I was outside looking at the front yard while bare. But since it was dark no one could see me from the street. The only threat was if my parents decided to check on me and discovered I was not in the room. Gradually I started to walk further and further in the yard each night. Being that it was around midnight or later there wasn’t any traffic and no one was outside but me. Nor could they see me from any windows. At least once or twice I jogged down the block to the stop sign and walked back.
But this wasn’t the largest risk I took. Right now I also stopped using the back door to get to my backyard when my parents were gone. Instead I made a decision to walk out the front door nude, in broad daylight, and across the house to the front gate. But rather than use the gate I would climb over the fence just for the experience. Anything to enhance the sensation of being naked. And this was when I began climbing trees in the back yard, which was risky as well.
Now comes the truly ridiculous part of the story when it all falls apart. One day, Lord knows why, I chose to take the trash outside while nude. Perhaps I was nave and really thought I could just get away with this since I appeared to get away with so much else. Or perhaps it was the thrill of the danger of getting caught. Recall there wasn’t an alley so rubbish pick up occurred in front of the house next to the road. So here I go wearing just my birthday suit out to the road carrying a bag of trash. And would not you know it some neighbor children (who I didn’t know) went by on their bikes, halted and stared for a second. I turned and walked back in the home frightened I was going get in huge trouble. Nothing appeared to come of this over the following day or two so I figured it was cool. Boy was I wrong.
Later that week I went to a youth event down in Houston. Upon my return as I was dropped off by a friend I saw my parents sitting on the front porch as they generally did when the weather was pleasant. But when I came up I saw they weren’t happy. It was then that I learned that the kids had told their parents who had called the authorities. The authorities had arrived while I was gone to investigate a report of a flasher. But when they spoke to the children that had seen me they were so intimidated that they wouldn’t speak and the cops agreed not to pursue it.
Now don’t go thinking I was out of the woods yet. As I wrote earlier my parents were quite conservative and didn’t approve of nudism.

We continue releasing stories shared by our subscribers that are female – young nudist girls who make it to the nude beach for the first time

They simply could not understand why I would do something like this. And sex on the beach asses in public talked about how disappointed they were in me. So this ended my outdoor nudist adolescent adventures to say the least.
Off and on through the years afterward I’d still sometimes be bare inside while home alone. But even after getting married, my lovely wife and I did not go around the house bare. Then about 9 years back I learned of Christian Naturists and discovered there was no conflict between my religion and naturism. In reality, I learned that they actually go together. By seeing naturist web sites I learned more of naturist doctrine and body acceptance. While my wife became a family nudist I taken societal naturism as really being a big part of my life.
Now whenever the temperature permits I’m naked at home. I have written numerous articles for the Christian Naturist newsletter Fig Leaf Forum. I keep two naturist web sites along with participating here on Cat’s message board and others. And I’m a moderator of a local Yahoo Christian Naturist group, which meets together monthly. So now I’m participating in societal nudist occasions at house parties and naturist resorts. All of my close buddies are either naturists or know of and have no problem with my naturism.