Hi, my names Kat and Im Jesss sister. Im 13 and Jess has asked me to write about nudism and going nude

for this site.
I didnt ever think about going round nude, but I did begin to detect last autumn when Jess seemed to not constantly have all her clothing on constantly! I saw her walking round the home in her undies and also a couple of times going into her room with nothing on after shed had a shower. It didnt mean anything to me at all what she was doing, but it didnt bother me.
One day I was in my room and Jess knocked on the doorway. She came into the room and she was nude! It didnt really bother me that she didnt have any clothes on, but I was still a bit surprised! She explained that she was naked because she was a nudist, which she told me was a man who loves being nude (I didnt know). She said drop spoken to mum and mum had said it was okay if she was nude at home occasionally, but she desired to make sure I was alright with it too. It didnt bother me if she was really going to be going round in the nude all of the time, so I said it was good by me. I needed to know why she liked it so much though, and she said it was simply feeling free and being cozy, which I said was cool, and she said I should try it sometime. I just kind of said uh huh to that, I didnt think Id ever actually wind up doing it!

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Anyway, pretty soon I got used to Jess being naked at home. It never bothered me that I really could see her boobs and everything else, cuz Im a girl too. Initially she used to get dressed whenever people came round but after http://kylal.com stopped doing that. That meant that my buddies when they came round occasionally saw her naked. At first I was slightly embarrassed that they’d seen her like that but that soon stopped. None of my friends seemed irritated so I wasnt either.
We used to talk a lot about going nude and stuff like that and Jess asked me a few times if I needed to try it for myself. I always said maybe sometime cuz I wasnt really sure if I needed to or not. But having Jess walking round the house nude did mean that I didnt feel like I had to be fully dressed all of the time any more. I started going out of the shower with no towel around me and sometimes http://x-nudism.net would return to my room and lie on my bed reading a magazine or whatever without getting dressed.
My first real time of going bare was in the wintertime. It snowed a lot and our whole back garden was covered with snow. Jess challenged me to a snowball fight and of course I agreed. I went to get my coat and scarf and gloves and things, and I saw that Jess just stayed standing there by the back door, with nothing on of course. I asked her if she was going to go and get dressed and she said no, Im going out like this. You should, too, itll be interesting. I dont actually understand why, but that time I said yes, I would.
Jess was actually really surprised that Id said yes, she was like are you certain? You dont have to if you dont need to, but I did need to and I could tell Jess was actually pleased that I did. I went upstairs and took off all of my clothing, then we put our shoes on so our feet didnt get chilly and went out into the garden. It was really weird being nude outside, but it was a fine feeling and it wasnt anything like as chilly as Id thought it’d be. I was simply standing appreciating what it felt like when this chilly, wet snowball hit me on the butt! We had our snowball fight but it didnt last long cuz we both ended up quite cold with wet hair pretty fast, but being nude meant just our skin was wet and our garments stayed dry indoors! We finished up by lying down and making naked snow angels, which was amazing to feel the snow against all my skin, and pretty amusing to see two angels with bum prints in the middle! Then we ran indoors to get warmed up and Jess asked me if Id loved myself and I told her I had.
That was the sole time that I went naked like that for quite a while, cuz I still wasnt sure about it. The next time was during the Easter holidays. Me and Jess went to stay with our father, whos divorced from our mum and lives in Manchester. He’s known Jess is a nudist since she told mum and hes good with it, and this time Jess asked him if it was OK for her to go naked while she was there. He said it was and so the following morning she came downstairs with nothing on, just like she does at home.
It was a really nice day and so Jess went out to sit on the patio. She looked very happy in order to go naked outside in the sun and was loving it. That was when I determined that I’d like to go nude, too. Id been thinking of it for quite a while now, that perhaps I did want to give it a go, but I wasnt sure till then. I told Jess that I had decided that I liked to go bare and she said that was actually amazing, so I went inside and took my clothes away. I went back out into the garden and sat down with Jess.
It felt extremely great to be nude, actually. I cant really explain it, but when I went nude in the snow it felt fine, but this was even better! It was really awesome being able to sense the wind and stuff on my bare skin. And I didnt feel at all troubled about being nude cuz Jess was as well. We spoke for quite a while, mainly about going naked and I said now I could comprehend why Jess enjoyed it.
We stayed out in the garden sunbathing and talking all afternoon, then went back up to the house. Jess gave me a hug and said she was quite proud of me for being so assured and for coming to my very own choice about going naked, which was fine, but I couldnt really see what the big deal was it was just fun for me! I saw my dad when I went in the home, and when he saw that I didnt have clothing on he grinned and said not you as well! I asked him if it was alright and he said it was good, so that was cool.
After that I started going nude more and more. Not all the time at first (like, that day I got dressed in the evening, but the next morning I was naked again), but when we got home to my mums I began doing it a lot. At first it was only at weekends if we were outside in the garden and perhaps in the mornings I wouldnt get dressed until after breakfast (I began sleeping nude too) but after a bit I started coming home from school and instead of changing my clothing I ‘d only take all of them off and stay that way until the next morning, just like Jess does. I asked mum if she minded me being nude and she said not in the slightest, shes had plenty of time to get used to it with Jess!