Well yesterday I finally had the chance to bare the nat- ural, and walk into the sun.

To swim carefree in this world. in para- dice.
The shores in the sun. The feeling of the air on my body and the coolness of the clear clean salt waters of the carabean ocean were beyond words. to walk in the most natural and free manner possible, like it was supposed to be be. With no spirit to attention. their were hundreds others around
However they also were swimming carefree in this marvelous location, watching schools of fish swim by, and speaking to each other like they were best friends. Others were out walking on the fine white sands of the shore. We were speaking and unashamed, floating and swimming readily in the amazing blue waters of the bay, the sun warming us with its intense life giving rays from above.

We continue releasing stories shared by our subscribers that are female – young nudist girls who make it to the nude beach for the first time
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Gone were the problems I have had in the past with a swimsuit filling up with air and sand and binding in the worst potential of ways. http://nudist-young.com was amazing not to need to sit down in a soggy swimsuit for a change. Walking down the shore could not have been simpler because even though we all looked a little different, we were all actually the same, with no racial, social or sexual obstacles to overcome.
My wife on the other hand was a bit uncomfortable to say the least. In my heart I know she’d have loved it if she’d have attempted it, but there were too many issues for her to conquer before she could vindicate losing her body armor. In case you like you could blame it on age, you can blame it on her self image. You could say it’s the taboos someone has drilled into her head for a long time, the body is bad, and seeing it’s a sin,or something. ( I don’t actually know anywhere that this is backed up by facts!)
You could say she is a little set in My first encounter was at a club in South Carolina. I told my wife we were going to attempt something different and I told her about my ides. She was not really convinced I would go through with it but her doubts were erased when we pulled into the gate with our camper. I was able to readily adapt to this new recreation but my wife was more apprehensive. She did participate in the bare activities but she was quite reserved and not too talkative which is unusual for her. I believed that she’d warmed up to to it by the next day but after I learned that she was ready to leave when the time arrived.
As for me, the experience was profound. I had one of the greatest experiences of my life. I particularly loved the swimming and lounging by the pool. Generally, I get antsy when I hang out by a pool for several hours and I’m prepared to go a do something different but being by the pool naked was so relaxing that I would have stayed for a week if time had allowed. Following the experience, I was ready to go again but my wife didn’t share my delight. She was glad she went but would favor that she never go again. We’ve been 2 times since then but she kept to herself and didn’t engage with others at all. To me, the most enjoyable of all is being able to talk with like minded folks and only take pleasure in the business of other people doing the same things I like to do.
I still very much enjoy being naked in a societal setting but my wife doesn’t like it and wishes I would simply give it up. I keep hoping that things will change but for now, I a catch the opportunity to enjoy some naked diversion whenever my wife is away (which is not frequently) or I can spend just a couple hours AWOL when she’s busy with a wedding shower or some sort of “girl” event. I keep hoping that one day she will change her mind and be more amenable to this but for now, I am just considering it slow.manners or a little hard headed. You could say she only believed naked was primitive and lewd, and always sexual in content. I have to confess I believe that this is a shame that 90% of the worlds people are driven by these same miss guided principles. I figure I’m lucky to join the 10% or so who may be a little more amenable to these not so new ideas.