Hot young nudist teens

This one might be nothing but a bunch of happy memories

And even though it is considered rude to look directly at each other in a set like that, but I still saw everybody’s gaze literally glued to the bunch of frisky lady hippety-hopping around the beach.
It hadn’t been long before a few younger looking guys started approaching out group under pretexts of wanting to join in the game. They were warmly accepted, and it was fun watching them trying hard to stay cool-blooded as they were brushing against the nude bodies of my cheerios as if by the luck of the draught. Pretty soon they were exchanging numbers and arranging after-hours outing for that night.
And I was thinking to myself that making friends and choosing a potential night stand (though it was perfectly prohibited in my custody, I was very much certain that my protegees will find a way to override this taboo) was extremely simplified in that way, for both sides. Just think of all those disillusionments you had in your life with your newly picked partner being much less of an eye candy when disrobing than dressed up flatteringly on a date.
The next day when we came to that beach three out of eight my cheerios were smooching with the guys they met yesterday; five others had at least a couple of suitors clinging to them. I was happy to see them being so popular, but I saw my mission not only unaccomplished, but entirely failed! Some of the men, and even of the younger guys there were making advances on me, too, bu…

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Hot young nudist female

This one might be nothing but a bunch of happy memories

When I came back to the hotel, both couples were already chilling out by the poolside; one couple and the other guy were resting in long chairs, and the gorgeous brunette was frolicking around in the pool – butt naked! It felt weird taking off my swimming trunks in front of two unusual dudes, but if that was the initiation routine to join their nudist club – so be it!
My only concern, quite understandable, was what how the hell would I be able to hide my hard on. So I retreated in the background and started watching from behind my sunnies. How exactly could I describe my experience of seeing a gorgeous pair of succulent Italian bums, residence bellies with cute belly-buttons and by Jove, the best boobs I’d seen before…

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