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No one on the beach can even imagine hot staff which is going to happen

He came up and introduced himself and his friend; his name was Paul and I cannot recollect what was the name of the other guy; he sounded real nice and polite. He asked me what I was doing there, and I told him some cock and bull story about my parents being lodged just a few meters away behind the bushes, just in case. All throughout our short conversation I kept on thinking whether or not they had time to see that I was nude underneath my towel; perhaps I looked weird wearing it wrapped around me like that anyways, for the day was real hot for that sort of coverage. In any event, I felt his friend?s evasive looks on me and I noticed the vivid interest on Paul?s side in me, if you get my drift. At that point I thought it was better that I went off and joined my parents; I said good-bye to the guys, my hear thumping somewhere in my throat with apprehensions that I couldn?t help despite the good manners both of them displayed. But right when I was turning on my heels and gave my long wet hair that, you know, sexy twist, the fringe of my towel flapping and …

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No one on the beach can even imagine hot staff which is going to

No one on the beach can even imagine hot staff which is going to happen

This is the time! We are lying on our backs; no one on the beach can even imagine hot staff which is going to happen in few minutes in the distance of few meters from the seaside. One…Two…Three…
Three strong guys – our model husbands are waiting with their lips in the ready position to kiss their wonderful wives. My husband started with gentle French kissing and he was amazingly awesome. I never saw him so energized, striving and motivated. That kiss reminded me of our young teenager years, when we were skipping our classes and spending our sweet times organizing picnic or simply going to the movies. The most and best thing we do was kissing, simply kissing with whole sincere love. As the ages go on, the fact that couples kiss with less desire and becoming less romantic makes me crazy all the time.
Kisses were still going on. Some people from the public closed their eyes, some of them started recording videos, and some hot young nudists start shouting inappropriate words towards kissing couples, where I and my husband were acting in a full meaning of open-minded kiss. But nothing could stop us that time; we were in unconventional world, world of enjoying, getting satisfaction and world of agony to win the astonishing competition.
Three minutes later one of the couples gave up, probably …

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